
How to Use My Time…

Time Management Solutions And ProductivityHave you ever had a moment where you realize that you have so many things that you can choose to use your time on, but you’re not really sure which one to start with??
That is exactly how I am feeling right now. I have so many ideas for websites and businesses, but I know that each one would take a lot of time and energy to implement. So how do you decide where to start? I realize that I shouldn’t necessarily be in some big rush to do it all right away, but that doesn’t stop me from feeling like I should. I guess I should start by writing down all of my ideas, and then identifying what I will need to do to accomplish them. Perhaps then I will be able to make an educated decision about what project to start with next. I want to use my time wisely, but not wear myself out trying to be ‘productive’ every minute of every day. I will sit down and write everything out and check in again when I figure it out!

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