Career,  College,  Life


Close-up of business partners shaking hands to do business toget

I have just been given a great opportunity!  I was offered a part-time web development internship.  I even get to work from home, which is very exciting.  I am feeling very blessed at the moment.  I know that Heavenly Father is looking out for me, and allowing me to have all of these wonderful opportunities.  The hardest part of all of the great things that have happened recently is just figuring out how much time to devote to school work.  I have to register for my next semester, and I am a little torn on how many classes to sign up for.  I want to take a lot so that I am finished faster, but I’m not sure how many I can realistically handle with everything else in my life.  I am working part-time (20-25 hrs/week) as a legal assistant, I am currently taking one college class, I am helping my friend to build a web-based computer program that specializes in organizing case loads for law firms, I have my five beautiful children to take care of, plus now this opportunity to get real world experience with web development!  That is A LOT!  Don’t get me wrong, I am SO excited to have all of these opportunities, but how do I decide how many classes to take when I have no idea what is even realistic?!  I guess this is just one of those times when I need to come up with a plan and then pray about it.  I know Heavenly Father will help me to know if my plan is a really bad idea.  🙂