College,  Inspirational,  Life

Everyone has Something Valuable to Share


this-i-believeI believe everyone has something valuable to share with the world.

In this busy, complicated world, it is so easy to think that you can’t make a difference; that what you do and what you have to offer is not important or valuable to anyone else.  I have recently realized that everything we do is important, and that each one of us has something amazing to offer the world.

Have you ever seen stalactites and stalagmites?  They can become enormous, intricate sculptures made purely from small, slow drips of water over a long period of time!  Anyone watching the slow steady drips of water that form these sculptures, would not think that anything was happening.  They wouldn’t think those small drips could be valuable or purposeful.  However, looking at the large stalactites and stalagmites that exist, one can plainly see what those slow, steady drips will create over time.  I feel that this is the way each of us makes a difference in the world.  On face value it doesn’t always look like the things we do (or don’t do) are making a difference.  If we could only see their lasting effects, we would be in awe of what a difference our contributions make.

Being a mother, I constantly have to remind myself that the little things I am doing: making dinner, helping with homework, reading a book, are truly making a difference in the world.  Each day my children are growing, learning, and developing. Without these daily essential tasks being done their progress would be severely hindered.  Look at the difference between a child that is neglected– whose basic needs are not met– and a child who is loved and cared for every day.  The person that child ultimately becomes is dramatically affected by what could be considered seemingly small, insignificant events.  What we do matters.  Every day our actions make a difference.

Each day we learn something new.  We are capable of sharing what we learn with the world!  I am currently working toward a degree in Web Design and Development.  While studying for this degree I am learning how to design and develop websites and software programs.  Last month, I had an opportunity to help a friend learn how to move forward with her plans to design and market a program she has been working on for a long time.  This experience has helped me to realize that even though I haven’t learned everything I need to learn in my field, I have gained knowledge that is useful, which has given me an opportunity to share it with others, and to help those around me.

We each have something to share.  Whether it be knowledge on how to write a computer program, or how to cope with a difficult child.  Whether it is helping an elderly woman with her groceries or making cookies for a next door neighbor.  Everything that we do, and everything we share has a lasting impact that we can’t immediately see.  We all have different perspectives, different experiences, and different talents.  And we all have something important and valuable to share with the world around us, this I believe.

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