Choices, Choices, Choices…
Life is FULL of choices and right now I am struggling with the choice of how many classes to take and when! I had planned to take four classes in the Fall Semester, but realizing how stressed out and busy I will be has made me second guess that plan. Now I am considering doing just two classes in the fall, but it is so hard to decide because I know that it will just take me longer to complete my degree if I slow down my classes.
I don’t want my two youngest boys (6 and 9) to remember their childhood as missing their mother because she was ALWAYS going to school. So it makes me wonder, which way will be better for them?? For me to hurry and finish it all, or to take less classes over a longer period of time and hopefully be more involved while completing my degree?? I wish there was some magical answer, but I know that I am the only one who can decide what is best for myself and my family. Here’s to complicated choices and all the fun they bring! 🙂