
  • Life


    So… I guess I have been neglecting to post lately.  It has been a crazy summer so far.  I am now finished with both work and my semester and life is slowing down for a minute.  You would think that I would be enjoying that, but I am actually feeling a little lost.  My routine has changed so dramatically that I find myself wondering where to start.  This seems ridiculous to me!  I have been counting down the days for this moment, and now I don’t know what to do now that I am here.  I need to get myself organized and create a new routine.  My kids only have…

  • Life


    I am so excited that summer is finally here!  It has been a crazy school year.  My kids are finally out of school for the summer and there is a lot less running around to do.  I am still busy with work and my own school (the semester goes half way through July), but life is slowing down and I am soooo thankful.  I am planning on actually taking the summer off of school and work this year.  I am excited to be able to spend time playing with my family.  Now I just have to think of some fun things to do… 😉

  • Career,  College,  Life

    Long Days

    My days are very long lately. I am either working on homework, working at work, or doing some laundry, etc. I am taking 12 credit hours this semester, and most days I feel like it is going to kill me. However, I really am enjoying all that I am learning. Hopefully it will all be worth it in the end. My family is helpful and understanding, and even my children are trying to be more helpful. I feel guilty that I am not able to spend very much time with them right now, but I hope that the time I do spend is good quality time. I look forward to…

  • College,  Life

    Busy, busy, busy….

    So obviously…. I haven’t posted much since starting my new job. It has been crazy trying to balance it all, and it is about to get much worse. I was awarded a grant for school, so I need to take a full load of classes (12 credits). I have no idea how I am going to survive working 30 hrs/week at work, starting a part time web development internship, taking 12 credit hours, and somehow trying to be a mother to five crazy kids! I am sure I am getting myself in WAY over my head, but if I survive I will be very glad for all I was able…

  • Career,  College,  Life


    I have just been given a great opportunity!  I was offered a part-time web development internship.  I even get to work from home, which is very exciting.  I am feeling very blessed at the moment.  I know that Heavenly Father is looking out for me, and allowing me to have all of these wonderful opportunities.  The hardest part of all of the great things that have happened recently is just figuring out how much time to devote to school work.  I have to register for my next semester, and I am a little torn on how many classes to sign up for.  I want to take a lot so that…

  • Career,  Life

    New Job!

    I just started a new job as a legal assistant this week! It was a great opportunity that I wasn’t expecting, and I am excited to delve into my work.  The only drawback is that I will probably have to take only one class again next semester.  I want to continue to make school a priority, but until my husband finds a good job, my focus will have to be on providing any income I can to my family.  Hopefully I will figure out how to balance everything in my life quickly.  I am sure I can do it!  So many other mothers have figured it out, I hope I…

  • College,  Inspirational,  Life

    Everyone has Something Valuable to Share

      I believe everyone has something valuable to share with the world. In this busy, complicated world, it is so easy to think that you can’t make a difference; that what you do and what you have to offer is not important or valuable to anyone else.  I have recently realized that everything we do is important, and that each one of us has something amazing to offer the world. Have you ever seen stalactites and stalagmites?  They can become enormous, intricate sculptures made purely from small, slow drips of water over a long period of time!  Anyone watching the slow steady drips of water that form these sculptures, would…

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  • Life


    It is a crazy birthday month for our family!  We have three to celebrate this month.  I’m sure there are families with way more birthdays to worry about than that, but to me, that is a lot.  I have survived two of them already, and have just one more to go.  My son’s.  He will be 7 years old!  He is my baby, and it is quite strange to see him growing up so fast.  I want to make his birthday a fun and memorable day, but there is so much to do every day that I sometimes feel like I am barely keeping my head above water.  In addition…

  • Life

    How to Use My Time…

    Have you ever had a moment where you realize that you have so many things that you can choose to use your time on, but you’re not really sure which one to start with?? That is exactly how I am feeling right now. I have so many ideas for websites and businesses, but I know that each one would take a lot of time and energy to implement. So how do you decide where to start? I realize that I shouldn’t necessarily be in some big rush to do it all right away, but that doesn’t stop me from feeling like I should. I guess I should start by writing…